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Nevaeh Jewellery is a startup Jewellery design company based in Londdon who wanted to introduce their hand-finished collections to public to 'test' the market with their collections 


What Client Wanted: The team at Nevaeh Jewellery kept an open mind for the brands digital journey. They wanted to establish recognition with their target market and needed to reach their audiences without breaking the bank.


Project: Design a tailored marketing plan,  Digital PR & Celebrity Placements



  • Brand Profile was significantly raised on social media platforms organically

  • Celebrity endorsement from the likes of Ty Hunter, Chelsee Healy, Lola Rae, Kattya Heredia, Josellyn Dumas, Rachel Kerr and more

  • Research revealed what collections were favoured and less favoured

  • Intelligence on how to re-enter the market was established

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